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Mt Paul United Church

United Church of Canada


I'm still learning about this congregation. Do you know more about them? I would be happy to hear from you!

31 December 2022: Zion United Church in Ashcroft closed permanently, after serving that community since 1892. It became part of Mount Paul United Church.

Meeting Places

140 Laburnum St
2090 Pacific Way - PLURA Hills United Church

Leadership History

Rev W G Crane
Rev Wayne G MacKenzie
Rev W C Waddell
Rev Boyd Drake

Current: Emily C. Cooke (Mt Paul United & PLURA Hills United)

Congregation Website


Meeting Times

Sundays 10am
Location alternates every Sunday between PLURA Hills United and Mt Paul United. Check the congregation's website for details.

Information Sources

Congregation website
Church Directory listings from old newspapers
https://mtpauluc.ca/ashcroft-united-church-announcement. Accessed August 2023.
1892. 'Ashcroft Notes'. The Inland Sentinel. 9 April 1892.