Salvation Army Kamloops

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Salvation Army

Salvation Army


I'm still learning about this congregation. Do you know more about them? I would be happy to hear from you!

25 October 1898: Ensign Fitzpatrick and Lieut. Betts arrived in Kamloops to “open fire” on Kamloops - or, in other words, to begin Salvation Army work.

29-30 October 1898: All of Kamloops was invited to attend the opening meetings of the Salvation Army in Kamloops. After the Sunday evening meeting, an open air meeting held across from the Dominion Hotel, an individual “harrangued” the crowd for some time on the doctrine of “Transmigration of Souls” (a concept present in other faiths including Hinduism and Buddhism, where after death spirits are reborn into a new body).

13-16 May 1899: Ensign Staiger, a travelling financial special of the Salvation Army, gave a series of services in Kamloops that illustrated Salvation Army work.

26-29 August 1899: The Salvation Army held their Harvest Thanksgiving Festival at Raven’s Hall. Admission was 25 cents. Plays were performed on Saturday, a Thanksgiving service took place on Sunday, a big sale presented by storekeepers, farmers, and more was held on Monday, and an auction was held on Tuesday.

Later newspapers mention that the 1899 congregation didn't last for very long in Kamloops.

23 January 1915: The Salvation Army established permanent headquarters in Kamloops.

19 June 1915: On the weekend of June 19-20, opening services were held for the beginning of the work of the Salvation Army in Kamloops. On the evening of Saturday the 19th, two meetings were held at the Baptist Church - one outdoor and one indoor. On Sunday the 20th, three “open-air” meetings were held.

April 1925: The Salvation Army purchased land “east of the Acacia Block on Seymour Street” to build a hall. It was estimated that the brick building would cost about $4500. As of 1 May, $1400 had already been raised. Door to door canvassing to raise funds began on 4 May.

6 June 1925: A “tag day” was held to raise funds for the new hall. It was hoped that construction could begin soon.

10 December 1925: The Salvation Army moved to an office on their land at Fourth Ave and Seymour Street (The “Acadia Block”). They hoped to begin construction of their new hall at that location in the coming spring.

11 December 1925: First services in the new location, the office at the Acadia Block (4th and Seymour).

Early April 1926: A committee of the fire chief, city engineer, and Alderman Moffatt reported to city council that the building the Salvation Army had designed would break building by-laws if it was constructed. After discussions, the matter was referred back to the committee to determine if the Salvation Army knew that their proposed building design would raise the insurance rates of adjoining buildings.

1926: The Salvation Army Hall was constructed on Seymour and 4th. It was known to the Salvation Army as the Citadel.

22 January 1956: A news article noted that a building fund existed for moving to a larger facility, but no adequate properties had been found yet.

23-24 January 1956: The Salvation Army celebrated 50 years of service in Kamloops. The Penticton band performed at the Salvation Army hall (the "Citadel") on the Saturday, and high-ranking officers from Vancouver attended and participated throughout the weekend.

December 1972-January 1976: The meeting place of the Salvation Army wasn't mentioned often in newspaper ads between 1972 and 1976.

In December 1972 the location listed was their 414 Seymour Street Citadel. The next time a location was listed was in ads from February to April 1974. In these few 1974 ads, the Seventh-day Adventist church on Fortune Drive is listed as their meeting place. An ad in the 9 January 1976 edition of Kamloops News is the first time the 344 Poplar address is listed.

Meeting Places

Leadership History

Congregation Website

Meeting Times

Sundays 10:30am

Information Sources