Kamloops Alliance Church

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Kamloops Alliance Church

Christian & Missionary Alliance


1944: Founded as "The Gospel Lighthouse" at the corner of 1st and Victoria St.

1945: Became affiliated with the Christian & Missionary Alliance.

9-14 June 1945: First annual missionary convention held at the 1st Avenue and Victoria Street building. Rev Walter Pister shared slides and stories of his recent mission to French West Africa.

July 1946: Construction of the "Alliance Tabernacle" at 702 Columbia Street was completed.

22 November 1967: 9 members of the Alliance Church appeared in city council to discuss zoning regulations that were making it challenging to sell the 702 Columbia Street building.

28 January 1968: The first services were held in the new Alliance Tabernacle on Fortune Drive (its current location)

3 March 1968: Dedication services were held at the new building.

3 February 1976: Building completely destroyed by fire. Began meeting at Overlander Elementary School (Henry Grube Centre) while building a new building.

1 May 1977: Dedication services for the new building, the "Kamloops Alliance Church".

Alliance Church Dedication Service Ad

1979: The Kamloops Alliance Church began holding devotional meetings at Rayleigh Elementary School every Sunday morning. By 1982, these grew into “Rayleigh Alliance Church”.

1980s: Pinantan Alliance Church began meeting for a time.

August 2015: Finished construction of "Ministry Centre"

Meeting Places

Leadership History

Congregation Website


Meeting Times

Information Sources