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Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints

Ukrainian Orthodox


1957: First services and first blessing of Easter Paska

1962: Congregation of 15 members established a parish

1967: First Ukrainian Women's Association meeting

1977: Secured property and funds to construct the Ukrainian Orthodox Centre on York Avenue

1994: Constructed Ukrainian Orthodox Church on 8th Street

26 June 1994: Grand Opening of 8th Street building with dedication services

16 September 2000: Open House held to share the newly completed icons on the walls and iconostasis. Ivan Humenyuk, an artist who travelled from Ukraine to paint the icons, had completed the work in the previous 4 months.

Meeting Places

1962-1977:308 Royal Avenue1977-1994: 725 York Avenue - Ukrainian Orthodox Centre 1994-Present:1044 8th Street

Leadership History

Congregation Website


Meeting Times

Sundays 10am

Information Sources