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Kamloops Islamic Association


I'm still learning about this community! If you know more and would like to share, or put me in contact with someone who knows more, please reach out!

2003: Kamloops Islamic Association established

2007: Property in Knutsford purchased for the eventual development of a mosque. Knutsford was chosen because at the time the cost of a property within Kamloops was prohibitive for the small community of muslims.

2009: Knutsford property successfully rezoned. Ayesha Mosque was established.

16 February 2019: First "Open Mosque Day". The KIA opened Ayesha Mosque for any visitors to tour the mosque, learn about Islam, and interact with the Kamloops Muslim community.

23 February 2021: After a delegation during a council meeting, a Kamloops City Council Motion was passed providing letter of support for Mosque Relocation to within the City of Kamloops

11 July 2023: Kamloops Islamic Association addresses city council to update them on programs and discuss a location of interest, owned by the city, at the corner of McGill and Bunker Road.

5 January 2024: For Phase 1 of the Mosque Relocation Project, a fundraising campaign was started to acquire the land at 992 Fernie Road. It was announced on social media and in the news.

Meeting Places

2805 Highway 5A, Knutsford

Leadership History

Current: Faisal Siddiqui



Meeting Times

Contact Ayesha Mosque for more information

See Code of Conduct page for information about attending Ayesha Mosque.

Information Sources

Kamloops Islamic Association website

Fortems, Cam. "Mosque on hill gets OK". Kamloops Daily News, 13 February 2009.

Schulze, Aaron. "Ayesha Mosque aiming to relocate within Kamloops city limits, become closer with community". CFJC Today, 24 February 2021, LINK. Accessed 10 July 2023.

Wallace, Jessica. "Kamloops Islamic Association wants to find spot for mosque within city limits". Kamloops This Week, 24 February 2021, LINK. Accessed November 2022.

Potestio, Michael. "McGill mosque location eyed by Islamic Association". Kamloops This Week, 12 July 2023.

Ahmed, Adel. "Kamloops Islamic Association hoping to relocate mosque from Knutsford to TRU area". CFJC Today, 10 July 2023, LINK. Accessed 16 July 2023.

Potestio, Michael. "Search continues for mosque site in Kamloops". Kamloops This Week, 18 July 2023, LINK. Accessed 18 July 2023.