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700 Cambridge Crescent

Sikh Cultural Society

700 Cambridge Crescent is a large Gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Brocklehurst between Singh Street and Cambridge Crescent. Sometime after the Sikh Cultural Society was organized, Mr Sher Singh donated 3 acres of land on Cambridge Crescent for building a temple. It was built in 1972. Based on Aerial Maps on kamloops.ca, the building was expanded to its current form between 1982 and 1994.

Currently the Sikh Cultural Society still uses in the building.

Currently, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints congregation still meets in the building.


Between 1967 and 1972: Land on Cambridge Crescent donated to the Society for a temple by Mr. Sher Singh.

12 March 1972: Groundbreaking ceremony.

Between 1982 and 1994: Building expanded to current form.

Congregation Website:

Sikh Cultural Society Facebook Page
