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Goose Lake

St. Peter's Church

Near Goose Lake, a small Anglican Church had been constructed in 1914. It was the first "daughter church" of the Anglican Church in Kamloops, boasting a beautiful lychgate and two organs.

Around 1930, the church closed. After it closed, the lych gate arch from the church was donated to St. George's Anglican Church on the Kamloops North Shore. No trace of the building remains at Goose Lake.


Autumn 1914: Building constructed on Goose Lake Road, northwest of Goose Lake, by nearby homesteaders, on land donated by Theodore "Teddy" Swanson.

Christmas 1914: First services.

6 January 1915: Building dedicated by Canon Akehurst

1920s: Most families moved away. Church fell into disuse, with only the occasional cowboy sleeping there.

1930: Church closed. It was dismantled, with fittings and lychgate transferred to St George's Anglican Church.

Congregation Website:



1924. "Parish History of St. Paul's Church". Kamloops Sentinel. 17 October 1924. A01-A02. (read this article)
Kamloops Heritage Commission plack at the entrance to St. George's Church.
Heritage Committee of the Rose Hill Farmers' Institute. 1984. Bunch Grass to Barbed Wire.