1044 8th Street
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of All Saints
1044 8th Street is a church on Kamloops' North Shore across 8th Street from Dairy Queen. It was built in 1994 by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints.
For 3 decades, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church raised funds through efforts like bake sales and other events. In the end, it cost a little over 1 million dollars for the building — $850,000 of that for the building project.
The building was being used for services before its grand opening, but once the domes were placed on top and the details were complete, a dedicatory service was held on June 26, 1994.
The beautiful paintings on the walls and iconostasis, called icons, weren't present in the building until a few years later. After more fundraising efforts, the church hired an artist named Ivan Humenyuk to come from Ukraine on a 4-month visa, commissioned to paint the walls and iconostasis inside the building. After 4 months of work, the interior was completed in time for the first open house and tours in September 2000. The completed work is stunning to behold. The congregation still provides tours to anyone interested, and at some times regularly holds open house events to share the paintings with the community.

Currently, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints congregation still meets in the building.
**1990**: Land purchased
1991: Plans drawn by Marshall Opyr and Brian Nelson
27 September 1993: Sod-turning, signalling the beginning of construction
26 June 1994: Church opened, first services
2000: Ukrainian artist Ivan Humenyuk hired to come from Ukraine to paint iconography on the inner walls of the building.
16 September 2000: First open house to share completed icons with the community.
Congregation Website:
Facebook Page for Ukrainian Orthodox Church of All Saints
1993. 'All Saints ready to get new home'. Kamloops This Week. 1 October 1993, A03.
1994. 'Ukrainian Orthodox Church Grand Opening'. Kamloops This Week. 24 June 1994, A39.
1995. 'New Church Finished'. Kamloops This Week. 1 January 1995. A02.
2000. 'Local Orthodox Church looks to Ukraine for iconography to decorate new facility'. Kamloops Daily News. 5 August 2000, Z01.
2000. Church Celebrates Religious Artwork. Kamloops Daily News. 9 September 2000, A07.
2000. 'Iconogrphs bring biblical visions to local church'. Kamloops This Week. 15 September 2000. A22.