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Methodist Church



1875: A Methodist missionary name Rev. James Turner arrived and began holding services in Kamloops.

5 June 1888: Congregation held a meeting wherein they resolved to erect a church building and parsonage. They decided to start the work at once.

30 September 1888: Opening services for their new building on the corner of 3rd Avenue and Church Street (Seymour)

16 September 1889: Kamloops Total Abstinence Society and Band of Hope organized at the Methodist church, with Rev Ladner and Rev Chisholm (Presbyterian minister) on the Executive committee. The purpose was to advance temperance work among those who did not want to be connected to a secret organization of a temperance nature.

28 November 1890: The choirs of the Methodist and Presbyterian churches formed a permanent organization known as the Union Glue Club of Kamloops.

1911: Built and moved to 4th Avenue Methodist Church

1925: Church Union. In 1925, the United Church of Canada was founded. All across Canada, a handful of denominations merged. Of those denominations, only the Methodists and Presbyterians existed in Kamloops, so they merged into the United Church congregation. All of the Methodists joined the new congregation. A majority of the Presbyterians joined. The new congregation began meeting at the Presbyterian Church.

Meeting Places

Until 1888: Kamloops Courthouse - met with the Presbyterian. Each week the Methodist and Presbyterian ministers would alternate preaching.

Jan 1888-Sept 1888:Presbyterian Church - continued to met with the Presbyterians and alternate preaching.

1888-1911: Corner of Seymour Street and 3rd Avenue

1911-1925: Corner of St Paul Street and 4th Avenue

Leadership History

Congregation Website

Meeting Times

Information Sources